《豪斯医生》里的Dr Wilson来啦!这回演病人,与一条剑鱼,哦不,马林鱼,形成了奇怪的体位。因祸得福,发现了腿部的血管肉瘤。
听Shaun讲他和Carly的又一次约会,不经意的评论引起了Shaun的紧张。其实Carly与Shaun很多相似的地方,small talks can be very boring。两个人调查问卷式的约会方式蛮独特的,真的不需要其他人的interference。
接治的胆囊病变小女孩,特别像Claire小时候,当自己还是个孩子的时候,还要照顾家里的其他人。Claire以自身的经历引起女孩的共情,这个桥段在许多医疗剧里都用过了,却依然感人。在女孩眼里,Claire是一个fancy surgeon,女孩长大以后也要当医生。
(这集所有医生的bed manners都明显好于上一集。)
就像歌里唱的,slow motion life,慢动作生活。
From the greatest heights
Slow motion life
You know I'd pay to leave these tears behind
But it's fine
I know we're all the same
Slow motion pain
Now it's all blood in the open
But we're not scared
Oh no
We're not scared
I took my hands off the wheel
I couldn't find the way back
You know I'd pay to leave this road behind
And get my heels on
Oh, that's all
That's all, that's all
We're all the locusts fly
Oh I don't want to see them
From their watchtowers
From their watchtowers
Slow motion life
Slow motion life
From the greatest heights
Slow motion life

良医 第三季The Good Doctor(2019)

又名:好医生 / 仁医 / 良医心 / 良医墨非

主演:弗莱迪·海默 Freddie Highmore/安东尼娅·托马斯 Antonia Thomas/理查德·希夫 Richard Schiff/希尔·哈勃 Hill Harper/尼古拉斯·冈萨雷斯 Nicholas Gonzalez/富田谭玲 Tamlyn Tomita/克里斯蒂娜·张 Christina Chang/佩奇·斯巴勒 Paige Spara/菲奥娜·嘉伯曼 Fiona Gubelmann/李威尹 Will Yun Lee/贾西卡·妮可 Jasika Nicole/珍妮·奥哈拉 Jenny O'Hara/卡琳·考诺娃 Karin Konoval/吉尔·莫里森 Jill Morrison

导演:麦克·里斯托 Mike Listo编剧:大卫·肖 David Shore

良医 第三季相关影评