造物工厂 第二季Inside the Factory(2016)


主演:Gregg Wallace Cherry Healey Ruth Goodman 

导演:Chris Parkin / 

造物工厂 第二季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Gregg Wallace receives a load of corn off the boat from Argentina and follows its journey through the largest cereal factory in Europe. Cherry finds out about the Vitamin D added to our cereals and Ruth sits down to a Victorian breakfast.
Gregg Wallace and Cherry Healey get exclusive access to some of the largest factories in Britain to reveal the secrets behind production on an epic scale.

造物工厂 第二季的影评列表

meBigshow • 记录

自行车篇 原材料进入工厂,根据顾客订单,鱼鳞焊接,喷漆,烤制固定,组装。组装工厂大量依靠人工,和以往

夜风伴春草 • 薯片秘诀
