壁橱Closet Space(2016)


主演:洛塔·洛斯滕 大卫·F·桑德伯格 

导演:大卫·F·桑德伯格 / 编剧:大卫·F·桑德伯格 David F. Sandberg


Plot Summary:Without a doubt, there seems to be something rather peculiar with this young couple's apartment. At first glance, the spacious place seems so ordinary and welcoming, but then again, there is definitely something that feels quite off. To be more specific--deep inside the closet--physical laws, common sense, and above all, reason, are all bent into shape, in a horrific and mind-boggling microcosmic reality that seems to exist only within the restricted boundaries of this particular closet. Is this some kind of trickery beyond reason, and what are the repercussions of a seemingly innocent game that alters reality? Pretty soon, the couple is bound to see that some doors are best left unopened.


青鱼 • 听说春天种下一个男朋友,秋天就能收获一大堆男朋友
