谎言屋 第二季House of Lies(2013)

又名:谎言堂 / 谎言之屋 / Hou$e of Lie$

主演:唐·钱德尔 Don Cheadle 

导演:斯蒂芬·霍普金斯 / 

谎言屋 第二季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Marty and the Pod adjust to the "new" Galweather Stearn in the aftermath of a sexual harassment scandal. Interim CEO, Julianne Hofschraeger, needs Marty to live up to his reputation of being a fearless closer. This poses a challenge when Marty consults with Mr. Pincus, a valued client no one in the company knows. Jeannie relives haunting memories from a drunken night out with Marty when she returns to work from a paid leave of absence. Meanwhile at home, Marty struggles to patch things up with Roscoe since he moved out to live with his mother, Monica.
商业竞争中真真假假,尔虞我诈;金钱和肉体充斥着肮脏的内部交易.如何在这残酷的又没有硝烟的战场中游走?商业咨寻顾问Marty有着他的绝妙法门:狡者生存. Marty学识渊博,巧舌如簧;但在前妻的咄咄相逼和种种不良诱惑下,他能否把持住自己的人生轨迹;面对合伙人的背叛,咨寻公司的被收购,他和他的小队还能否继续在商海中乘风破浪,一往无前;对于种种难题,Marty却只用一句"FUCK"坦然应对! 诚然,与其被生活强奸,倒不如纵情享受;看Marty如何在利益和背叛的海洋中横转腾挪,见招拆招;我们拭目以待.《谎言满屋第二季》

谎言屋 第二季的影评列表

xudiren • E4:马特达蒙的TV秀


Jack • 20130420,s02e12, too harsh in the office, too hard after work.

20130420,s02e12, too harsh in the office, too hard

Jack • 20130413,s02e11, devoted but only at a moment, then betray.....

20130413,s02e11, devoted but only at a moment, the

Jack • 20130406,s02e10,former subordinate, present competent.

20130406,s02e10,former subordinate, present compet

Jack • 20130324,s02e09, mark twin.

20130324,s02e09, mark twin.

Jack • 20130323,s02e08, disordered life.

20130323,s02e08, disordered life.

Jack • 20130310,s02e07, they treat racism and sex as food.

20130310,s02e07, they treat racism and sex as food

Jack • 20130204, s02e03, no subtitle, less interesting.

20130204, s02e03, no subtitle, less interesting.

Jack • 20130127, too quick reaction, too rapid progress, too confused relations.

20130127, too quick reaction, too rapid progress,

Jack • 20130127,s02e01, know to how and practise, heading to lie.

20130127,s02e01, know to how and practise, heading