Kalp Atışı(2017)


主演:Gökhan Alkan 奥约库·卡拉耶尔 Burcu Türünz Basar Dogusoy Selahattin Pasali Burak Ceylan 法提赫.顿马兹 Demet Altuner Hakan Gerçek Metin Coskun Devrim Atmaca 维达·伊瑞辛 塞达·阿克曼 


Kalp Atışı:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Eylul the stubborn, school girl turns up to be a strong professional doctor by the help of her teacher Ali Asaf. After years of separation they meet up again but not as a teacher and student, instead as surgeons working side by side. Their love is met by many challenges and the inner conflict of the stubborn women who refuse to yield easily to her heart, refusing to repeat the miserable story of her dead mother.

Kalp Atışı的影评列表

麦哲伦地图 • 这里的色彩很吸引人(多图!预警)

没看过韩版。土版不是很清晰。土耳其小镇有一种平静的美。 女主力大无穷,同时还会功夫?经常1V4以上P