「I'm not weird! I'm not! I should be like Eve. I should've been a girl. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. I don't feel right. I feel stuck, it all feels wrong. When I look at myself and I don't see me.」

「Don't think he's doing it to you, with all due respect.」

「Me... is in here... but it's like no one can see me. Everyone talks to me and hears me and... but it's not me they're talking to. It's this. They're talking to a stranger. I used to play with my sister, Eve, when I was little. I always thought that one day I could be like her... But then I realised that could never happen. It felt really unfair. I didn't like it. It feels mean to be stuck in this body that everyone thinks...is me. I'm Charlie. Not this.」

「All of this does seem weird, I know. But I'm not doing it on purpose. Everyone thinks that I'm that boy they've known for so long. But I've always been Charlie... this Charlie... is not much different to other Charlie. I still love my football... I still love my family. And I still love you Nan. But if you don't want to see me then... I understand. But don't not see Mum, Dad and Eve because it isn't their fault. Bye Nan.」

「This fucking planet. This fucking planet. It's a fucking horrible place to be if you're different!」

只是查理Just Charlie(2017)



主演:斯科特·威廉斯 Scot Williams/哈利·基尔比 Harry Gilby/帕特里莎·波特 Patricia Potter/凯伦·布莱森 Karen Bryson/杰西·科莱特 Jess Collett/伊万·米切尔 Ewan Mitchell/杰夫·亚历山大 Jeff Alexander/彼得·马钦 Peter Machen/约翰·德雷科特 John Draycott/凯伦·纽曼 Karen Newman

导演:雷贝卡恩·福特内 Rebekah Fortune编剧:彼得·马钦 Peter Machen