寅次郎的故事42:我的舅舅寅次郎男はつらいよ ぼくの伯父さん(1989)

又名:Tora-san, My Uncle


主演:渥美清 倍赏千惠子 后藤久美子 吉冈秀隆 檀富美 尾藤功男 夏木真理 前田吟 下条正巳 三崎千惠子 太宰久雄 笠智众 今福将雄 北山雅康 尾形一成 笹野高史 佐藤蛾次郎 关敬六 户川纯 

导演:山田洋次 / 编剧:山田洋次/朝间义隆 Yoshitaka Asama


Plot Summary:The well-intentioned, kind-hearted, and somewhat awkward but always lovable Tora-san makes one of his periodic visits to his sister and her family in Tokyo. His nephew, Mitsu, is depressed because he has failed his university entrance examination, and also because Izumi, a young girl he is in love with, has transferred to a school in Saga, Kyushu. Mitsuo leaves home and finds her, but her bad-tempered uncle disapproves of her riding around with a young man from Tokyo. Tora-san gets involved in this complex interplay of relationships, and in his usual delightful and unexpected way, facilitates a satisfactory resolution.


严冬 • 《寅次郎的故事42》超140字影评


Magma dragon
Magma dragon • 一杯清淡的小茶
