
sarah • 珠峰史诗:A Few Thoughts

Personally I don’t like the tone in the last bit, seems like following Mallory and Irvine’s death plus the uncertainty of they made the summit or not, the rest of the party were defeated psychologically and they started to doubt themselves and the possibility of mankind can reach the summit and safely return.

Also, as I noticed from the film, the Rongbuk Glacier looks enormous, much bigger and fuller by then than what it is now. According to a 2007 report by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 80 percent of the Himalayan glaciers will disappear by the year of 2035 if current warming rates are maintained, which is a terrifying perspective, and it will certainly be an environmental disaster we all have to suffer. In this sense, this film is wonderful environmental educational material for everyone.





珠峰史诗The Epic of Everest(1924)


主演:Andrew Irvine / George Mallory / 

导演:J.B.L. Noel /