
Plot Summary:The story unfolds about the murder of an old man living in a remote village and six locals who may have been connected with the murder. Things get messy when the dead man turns out to be an ex convict. The accused ones find it very hard to deal with the preconceived attitude. The villagers, led by the families of the accused, have to fight for their innocence.
灵感来自于震惊了波兰媒体和司法机构的Włodowie犯罪事件。在一个小村庄发生的血腥谋杀,犯罪行为几乎可以涉及到任何当地人。原来,受害人 - 60岁的惯犯 - 残酷折磨邻居多年。


南方的狼族 • 《私刑》:永不妥协

影片从邪恶的老头申请残疾和救济补助不能拉开序幕 继而插叙闪回讲述整个暴力事件的发生发展 同时描绘不同