Rather than seeing what physically presents, the way we see the world is based on our prediction of the world. So we see things as we expect to see.

[McGurk effect]:

What remarkable about this illusion is even though knowing how it's done, doesn't seems to make a difference.

When the brain has the conflicting information, it tries to make sense of that conflict,and depending on what type of modality is providing more solid information, that information might override or at least combined with other information.

Matin a coherent view of the world.


Colour is a purely subjective experience, Governed by the context in which we see it.

Redness is not a product of the world, it doesn't exit unless we are there to make it, wave lines are not coloured. We make that, and we make perceptions of them, and those perceptions guide our behaviour.

Illusions fool us, because tries we might, we cannot overcome our experience of how we think the world was. And it's these experience we store in our heads, that really determines what we see.

But are these experiences only built up in our own lives, or some illusions so powerful that their roots lie far in our distant past.

[Hollow mask illusion].
we are seeing the illusions may come from the first place. We've learnt to see what best aids our chance of survival.

We literally see the world through the lens of the past- learning to see the way that most useful to us.

Illusions don't tell us that our senses are fragile, if they were, we wouldn't be here. Illusions tell us that actually our brains are incredibly capable of constructing meaning from the meaningless. Illusions are powerful and necessary shortcut that lie at the heart of our most sophisticated human abilities.

We are evolved to process the information that are only needed (问题: 是不是说明随着进化,我们会处理的问题越来越少)

Illusions gets more fascinating when the senses start to work together.

[taste test]
Their expectation, knowledge comes from names, labels, colours, textures, from ways of presentation, our brains just use them all the time to tell us what the flavour is.

It's impossible to tell what we taste from what we see.

hearing can have a significant effect on taste.

It's impossible to separate one sense from the others.

[rubber hand illusion]
the power connection between what we see and what we feel.

brain is actually changing to accommodate the new rubber hand,going to some sort of structure change

nerve plasticity: the brain can change in response to our experience. Brain can change based on new experience.

眼见不为实Horizon: Is Seeing Believing?(2010)



导演:Naomi Austin /