
在白俄罗斯,极权主义的政权镇压着所有反对的声音。任何一位批评统治者的人都将面临被囚禁和折磨的惩罚。《白俄罗斯的华尔兹》描述了一位行为艺术家Alexander Pushkin的亲身经历,他是少数不屈服于强权的人。冒着有可能被处死的危险,他组织了群众替身演员模仿并嘲弄总理卢卡申多(Lukashenko)。通过他的艺术和幽默感,我们对白俄罗斯人有了更进一步的了解。

Andrzej Fidyk为波兰和英国的电视业执导了超过40部片纪录片,获奖无数,获得“波兰最佳纪录片导演”的殊荣。他的影片大全中包含了BATTU’S BIOSCOPE (aka MOBILE CINEMA OF DREAMS, 1998) 和THE PARADE (1989)。这是他为Piraya Film所拍摄的第一部纪录片,第二部(YODOK STORIES)目前仍处于制作阶段。

Andrzej Fidyk | Piraya Film | 挪威 | 2007 | 74 分钟 | DIGIBETA | 白俄罗斯语与俄语配中英文字幕
Belarusian Waltz

In Belarus, the totalitarian regime cracks down on all opposition. Anyone criticising the dictator risks imprisonment and torture. The film, Belarusian Waltz follows the incredible personal story of the performance artist Alexander Pushkin, who is one of very few who is not scared. Facing grave consequences he organizes public stunts that mock president Lukashenko. Through his art and sense of humour we take a deep dive into the soul of the Belarusian people.

about the director:
Andrzej Fidyk has directed more than 40 documentaries for Polish and British television and has received numerous awards for his work. Fidyk is by many regarded as Poland’s finest documentary director, and his filmography includes titles such as Battu’s Bioscope (aka Mobile Cinema of Dreams, 1998) and The Parade (1989). This is his first documentary for Piraya Film; his second one (Yodok Stories) is in production.

Andrzej Fidyk | Piraya Film | Norway | 2007 | 74 minutes | DIGIBETA | Belarusian & Russian with Chinese & English subtitles | www.belarusianwaltz.org|

白俄罗斯的华尔兹Belarusian Waltz(2007)

又名:Белорусский вальс / Białoruski walc



导演:Andrzej Fidyk /