
Plot Summary:Werner, a successful single without family, meets Angelika (Angie), a divorced mother with three children, of whom especially the eldest daughter, teenager Tanja, is very difficult. Very soon, Werner marries Angie and she and her children move in his house, to the horror of the housekeeper, Frau Rabe. And the problems move in with them - Tanja becomes even more difficult, son Markus wants to go to his father and son Tom is afraid, that Werner's dog Lulu might eat his guinea pig. But Werner and Angie manage every problem, that a typical West German couple has.


总统 • 美丽的家庭喜剧片

一个随性的画家,一个典型的家庭主妇,一个任性刁蛮的大女儿,两个小儿子,简简单单的爱情故事。 剧中几个