
又名:村夫野老 / 风烛之年 / Here


主演:Hamdollah Azizi Mohammad Azarakhsh 

导演:哈迪·默哈黑 / 编剧:哈迪·默哈黑 Hadi Mohaghegh


Plot Summary:It's night and everything is happening in an endless silence. The lonely and tired old man is walking around. His restlessness proves how deeply he's been obsessed with his problems and agonies. He's thinking of saving his son, Sohrab. However, all doors are closed. He's involved in cycle of daily life, though decided, he's not able to change anything. He's fighting and then returning his grandson back home and baptizing him. In spite of all his efforts, the son is executed. He takes the body of his son, which looks like a white poplar tree, through the mountain and rivers and baptizes him. The old man takes care of his grandson too before he returns to bury his son. He goes back home, drinks some water and sleeps.


Ashley • 《此地》的孤独,观影后体味更为强烈

《此地》以十分写实的手法表现孤独这一主题。 细微场景渲染孤独 影片中一个画面是老人在得知自己的儿子快

把噗 • 极简与余味
