Andrew's wife said:
I've been very forthnate that Andrew has provided very well for us without me having to go to work and I've been able to nurture to boys.
But I'm not sure whether looking at the next generation you feel a lot of women have to work and i admire them for doing it.
But in some ways i think maybe it wold be good to work not necessarily full time maybe take time off until your children are at school but then you get to my stage and you think well it would be nice to have something to do.

Journalist asked:
Are you grateful she made that decision?

Andrew answered :
Yes I am.But i can see that now maybe she enjoy more having some sort of career at this stage.

Journalist asked:
Is that doable(可行的)?

Andrew answered :
I think it's a matter of self confidence but obviously in the mid fifties it's a bit more difficult.

Journalist asked:
Dose she lack sefl confidence do you think?

Andrew answered :
To as certain extent,i think she doesn't realise how capable she is really.
啊啊啊啊 然后一个甜蜜的白演 甜甜甜!!!!

人生七年856 Up(2012)

又名:人生七载之当我五十六 / 56岁起 / 人生七年第八季


主演:迈克尔·艾普特 / Bruce Balden / Jacqueline Bassett / Symon Basterfield / 

导演:迈克尔·艾普特 / 保罗·阿尔蒙德 /