
Lexx 1.1 "I Worship His Shadow"
我不相信预言。I do not believe in prophecies. (00:54:40)
Lexx 1.3 "Eating Pattern"
死人没有喜好The dead do not have likes. (00:59:30)
Lexx 1.4 "Giga Shadow"
我没有想要的。I do not have wants. (00:17:25)
我没有动机I do not experience motivation. (00:18:30)
Lexx 2.1 "Mantrid"
我通常没有需求。I do not normally respond to need. (00:16:03)
我没有胃口(没有胃)I do not have a stomach. (00:28:10)
Lexx 2.2 "Terminal"
我不吃饭。I do not eat. (00:17:15)
Lexx 2.3 "Lyekka"
我不含蛋白质。I do not contain protein. (00:46:16)
Lexx 2.7 "Love Grows"
死人不吃饭。The dead don't eat. (00:27:17)
Lexx 2.9 "791"
死了就意味着没有观点。Being dead means not having an opinion. (00:05:26)
Lexx 2.11 "Nook"
我是死人,我不需要食物。I am dead. I do not consume food.(00:06:35)
我不做梦。I do not dream. (00:15:01)
我不睡觉。I do not sleep. (00:15:05)
死人无法预测。The dead are unpredictable. (00:31:03)
Lexx 2.12 "Norb"
我想我想的方式和你们想的方式不一样。(我认为我思考的方式和你们的不一样)I do not think, the way you think I think. (00:09:01)
我不思考。I do not think. (00:33:38)
Lexx 2.14 "Patches in the Sky"
我不做梦。I do not dream. (00:36:11)
死人不会嗨。The dead cannot get high. (00:25:52)
Lexx 3.2 "May"
死人不会被杀死。The dead cannot be killed. (00:06:21)
Lexx 3.3 "Gametown"
我不会心烦。I do not get distracted. (00:28:46)
Lexx 3.4 "Boomtown"
我不能游泳。I cannot swim. (00:06:17)
我不能漂浮。I do not float. (00:06:22)
我根本就没有胃。I do not have a stomach at all. (00:14:17)
死人无法被勾引。The dead cannot be seduced. (00:16:24)
死人不会泄气。The dead do not get frustrated. (00:22:11)
死人不会有欲望,死了就是死了。The dead do not have wants. The dead are simply dead. (00:22:14)
Lexx 3.6 "K-Town"
我不会感觉很好(歧义:我觉得不舒服),也不会感觉会好起来,我是死人,我感觉不到任何东西,从来都没有。I do not feel good. I do not feel better. I am dead. I do not feel - anything. Ever. (00:20:47)
死人不会感觉到压力。The dead do not feel stress. (00:38:36)
但是死人确实会有点错位。But the dead do go out of alignment.(00:38:39)
Lexx 3.7 "Tunnels"
死人不会觉得痛。The dead do not feel pain. (00:03:05)
Lexx 3.8 "The Key"
死人不会排便。The dead do not poo. (00:07:25)
死人如此变幻莫测。The dead are unpredictable. (00:35:17) (sagt Stan) Lexx 3.10 "Battle"
死人不会去希望。The dead do not hope. (00:43:24)
Lexx 3.11 "Girltown"
我不会浮起来。I do not float. (00:44:09)
Lexx 3.12 "The Beach"
我不会浮起来。I do not float. (00:01:10)
Lexx 3.13 "Heaven and Hell"
死人还是死人。The dead stay dead. (00:02:39)
作为一个死人,我不会关心什么,但我确实会考虑。Being dead, I do not care about things, but I do think about them. (00:12:34)
我没有喜好。I do not have likes. (00:12:59)
Lexx 4.1 "Little Blue Planet"
死人没有什么偏爱。The dead do not have preferences. (00:29:41)
通常……死人不会做建议。The dead do not make suggestions...normally. (00:30:54)
Lexx 4.3 "P4X"
死人显然无法遵守诺言。The dead clearly do not keep their promises. (00:10:02)
死人是古怪的。The dead are weird. (00:32:26)
Lexx 4.5 "Xevivor"
死人不会有什么问题。The dead do not have problems. (00:06:44)
死人通常不会吸血。The dead do not normally suck blood. (00:31:30) Lexx 4.6 "The Rock"
我没有肝脏。I do not have a liver. (00:22:42)
死人很容易欺骗。The dead are easily fooled. (00:17:00)
Lexx 4.7 "Walpurgis Night"
死人不会觉得快乐。The dead do not have fun. (00:00:30)
Lexx 4.8 "Vlad"
死人不做梦。The dead do not dream. (00:03:50)
因为我是死人,我感觉不到情绪。As I am dead I do not feel emotions. (00:23:18)
Lexx 4.9 "Fluff Daddy"
死人不关心我们去哪!The dead don't care where we go! (00:00:26)
死人不关心你们去哪。The dead don't care where you go. (00:00:30)
死人对表演没兴趣。The dead do not care about acting. (00:40:52) Lexx 4.10 "Magic Baby"
死人不会响应联系。The dead do not respond to context. (00:22:26)
死人很少有积极的态度。The dead are rarely positive about things. (00:39:25)
Lexx 4.11 "A Midsummer's Nightmare"
死人不会庆幸。The dead do not rejoice. (00:15:03)
死人不喜欢跳舞。The dead do not enjoy dancing. (00:17:18)
死人不会演戏。The dead do not act. (00:36:35)
Lexx 4.12 "Bad Carrot"
死人不会挤也不会愉悦。The dead do not squeeze and please. (00:03:15)
Lexx 4.13 "769"
死人无法被取悦。The dead cannot be pleased. (00:28:29)
死人感觉不到恶心。The dead do not feel disgust. (00:30:02)
Lexx 4.14 "Prime Ridge"
死人不会shoo-bop-a-loo-la。The dead do not shoo-bop-a-loo-la. (00:16:00)
死人也会被下药。Dead people do drugs. (00:37:30)
Lexx 4.15 "Mort"
死人不怕针。The dead do not fear needles. (00:13:14)
死人就是一团糟。The dead are messed up. (00:24:17)
Lexx 4.18 "The Game"
我没有愿望。I do not have wants. (00:01:53)
死人希望安息。The dead want to be dead. (00:04:58)
Lexx 4.19 "Haley's Comet"
我不睡觉。I do not sleep. (00:12:28)
死人不该搀和活人的事。The dead should not intrude in the affairs of the living. (00:09:25)
Lexx 4.20 "Apocalexx Now"
Xev:死人对好吃的没兴趣。XEV: The dead do not care about tasty things. (00:24:36)
死人不该插手活人的事。The dead should not meddle in the affairs of the living. (00:41:36)
Lexx 4.24 "Yo Way Yo"
死人没有感觉。The dead don't feel. (00:29:28)

Kai的反常 Kai Out Of Character

Kai is an undead former assassin and thus has no emotions. But in some scenes or in whole episodes he acts out of character for various reasons.

Season 1:

In the opening scene of the first episode of the first season ("I Worship His Shadow", 1.1) Kai is still alive and therefore he acts as a living man.
In "Gigashadow" (1.4) he seems to develop some paternal feelings for Squish, a newborn clusterlizzard. When Squish kills the Gigashadow, Kai proudly says "My baby!"

Season 2:

In "Mantrid" (2.1) he feels motivated to get protoblood despite having acclaimed sooner not to have motivations. It turns out that the motivation came from the remnant of the Gigashadow in his body.

In "Terminal" (2.2) Kai is incorrectly awoken by Stan and he punctures Stan's heart.

In "Lafftrak" (2.5) Kai gently plays with a balloon, reminiscing about his joy for them while alive.

In "Wake The Dead" (2.10) one of the guests on board the Lexx accidentally reprograms Kai to become a psychotic killing machine. Also his hairdo gets mussed.

In "Twilight" (2.13) the crew visits the planet Ruuma because Stan is ill. The planet has a strange effect on Kai; he acts as if he were high. He talks in rhymes and enjoys culling flowers.

In "Brigadoom" (2.18), the musical episode, Kai acts like the living Kai on stage and sings songs.

Season 3:

In Season 3 Kai jumps out of the Lexx onto the surface of the planet Fire for having no moth. Consequently he suffers from some systemfailures and malfunctions.

In "Boomtown" (3.4) Xev meets a living Kai besides the dead Kai. They flee together with a gondola.

In "Gondola" (3.5) it turns out that the living Kai is the reincarnated Prince, who can take any shape on reincarnation.

In "The Key" (3.8) Kai kisses Xev twice. He does this only to be sure that it is not Xev but Prince, who took her shape. After the second kiss he kills "Xev", i.e. Prince.

The dead real Kai has a short appearance in "The Beach" (3.12). While Kai sinks deep into the ocean of Water he meets his dead spirit, who is stuck there for Kai is still undead.

Season 4:

In "A Midsummer's Nightmare" (4.11) Kai and Xev are converted by Oberon to joyfully singing trees.

In "Fluff Daddy" (4.9) Xev meets the living Kai on Earth. He is an actor who lives for his art and citates Shakespeare and Goethe (in German).

In "Mort" (4.15) Kai is running out of protoblood and therefore becomes helpless. Xev and Stan have to transport him in a shopping cart.

In "Yo Way Yo" (4.24) Kai is granted mortality by Prince and dies again, killing the last remnant of the Insect Civilization.

暗域魔舰 第四季Lexx(2001)

主演:Brian Downey/Xenia Seeberg/Michael McManus/Nigel Bennett/Ryan Cooley/Tony Anholt/Howard Attfield/Alexis Conran/Giovanni del Vecchio/David Francis/Tom Gallant/Jeffrey Hirschfield/Rolf Kanies/Chas Lawther/Madeleine Lefebvre

导演:Paul Donovan编剧:Paul Donovan/Lex Gigeroff

暗域魔舰 第四季相关影评