我的小情人Mes petites amoureuses(1974)

又名:My Little Loves


主演:马丁·劳博 Jacqueline Dufranne Dionys Mascolo 

导演:让·厄斯塔什 / 编剧:让·尤斯塔奇 Jean Eustache


Plot Summary:A study of minor events in the adolescence of a boy growing up in small towns. Daniel lives with his grandmother and, after one year of high school, has to go to live with his mother in the south of France. She is a seamstress living in a tiny apartment with her lover Jose, a Spanish farm worker. Daniel would like to continue school, but his mother cannot afford it, so she sends him to work as an apprentice in a moped repair shop. Daniel wiles away his time in the shop, and learns about girls from the other boys in town. When he returns to visit his grandmother next year, it is obvious that he has grown up faster than his old friends.


法罗岛电影节 • FIFF25丨DAY3《我的小情人》:如果不当“做题家”我们小镇青年是否也可以像这样生活?


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【译】 故事发生在法国西南部,约1950年。丹尼尔是一位和祖母一起在农村生活的小学生。影片开头,他回