1 consumer, some due to advertisement failure
2 battery 60miles statistic:29 per day
stan Ovshinsky
Delco battery-->old technology, lead acid?
3 oil company,(Chevron-Texaco) buy battery company and shut it down, like GM bought trolley system
some people argue that EV will shift the energy production to coal
4 car company , hate the mandate,don't think they can earn money from that ,in short term
earn money selling parts
think they can make money in short term
and they turn into big car, hummer,tax deduction,100,000 in 2003
not equal chance
and they have fail advertisement, fail salesment,too expensive
5 government
CAFE standard doesn't change for a long period of time
Reagan to be blamed, G.W.Bush is stupid
6 CARB California air resource board
7 Hydrogen
charing station
uses three four time more energy than battery
fueling infrastracture

2005 all the EV1 were destroyed

thin film solar panels

谁消灭了电动车Who Killed the Electric Car?(2006)


主演:Mel Gibson / Tom Hanks / Martin Sheen / 

导演:Chris Paine /