亞伯特和蘿絲這對夫妻,七年前在北卡羅萊納州買下了一棟夢寐以求的房子,但他們卻對這房子以前所發生過的恐怖事件一無所知。這一天,是他們5歲和6歲女兒逝世一週年的忌日,同時也是她們的冥誕;隨著女兒們的死因及房屋的黑暗祕密逐漸揭露,他們被迫與女兒們的亡靈展開生死搏鬥……This horror/paranormal thriller follows the lives of Albert and Rose Poe over the course of 4 days that happens to include the one year anniversary of their 5 and 6 year old daughters deaths. The day the girls died was their birthdays too. We soon learn there is more to the girls deaths and the house the Poe's thought was their safe haven.