Cold Blood(2005)


主演:吉玛·雷德格里夫 约翰·汉纳 埃斯·巴蒂 

导演:斯图尔特·奥玛 / 苏瑞·克里什纳马 / 编剧:Tom Needham

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日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Cold Blood

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Cold Blood:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Brian Wicklow is jailed after a killing spree so macabre that he has become one of Britain's most notorious murderers. Vilified by the popular press and despised by fellow inmates, his notoriety is compounded by the fact that detectives, including Jake Osbourne, investigating his crimes have never found the body of his last victim. However no one is safe with Wicklow behind bars.
