四十七天47 Natkal(1981)

又名:47 days


主演:赤拉尼维 贾亚·普拉达 Anne-Patricia 

导演:K·巴拉坎德 / 





Plot Summary:Actress Saritha comes to a small town to talk to Vaishali, because she is about to play her in a film based on her life. Vaishali suffers from hysteria and angrily shuts out Saritha. The story is now told in flashback form, when Vaishali's brother tells Saritha about her marriage to Kumar, lasting for only 47 days. Kumar takes Vaishali to a country manor in a town 30 km away from Paris, France (Férolles). She does not know French or English. Kumar already has a French first wife Lucie living there on the top floor. He deceives both his wives: He tells Vaishali that Lucy is a friend, while he tells Lucy that Vaishali is his sister. Eventually, Vaishali figures out his bigamy and wishes not to stay with him as his second wife/ mistress. She does not know of anyone who knows her language and who can help her escape.
女演员萨里莎(Saritha)来到一个小镇与瓦莎莉(Vaishali)交谈,因为她将在一部根据瓦莎莉的生平改编的电影中扮演她。瓦莎莉患上了歇斯底里症,愤怒地将萨里莎拒之门外。故事以倒叙的形式展开,瓦莎莉的哥哥告诉 Saritha,她与库马尔的婚姻只维持了 47 天。库马尔把瓦莎莉带到了距离法国巴黎(费罗尔)30 公里外的一个小镇的乡村庄园。她不懂法语和英语。库马尔已经有一个法国籍的第一任妻子露西住在那里的顶楼。他欺骗了两个妻子: 他告诉瓦莎莉露西是他的朋友,而他则告诉露西瓦莎莉是他的妹妹。最后,瓦莎莉发现了他的重婚行为,并希望不要作为他的第二任妻子/情妇留在他身边。她不知道有谁懂她的语言,可以帮助她逃走。
