新创金牌厨师Cocinando en el fin del mundo(2017)

又名:新創金牌廚師(台) / Cooking at the World's End



导演:Alberto Baamonde Bello / 





Plot Summary:In 2003, nine young chefs joined their forces and their knowledge to transform the cuisine of their land: in Galicia, Grupo Nove was born. Culinary revolution already emerged in other Spanish regions but Galicia remained known for its excellent products, not for its cooking techniques or for its chefs' talent. Something had to change. Along with a new generation of producers and farmers, the Grupo Nove developed an idea of gastronomy grounded in traditions, attached to the land and the product, though using radically new techniques. Grupo Nove is now composed of twenty chefs, the veterans training the new generation. In a short period of time, Galicia multiplied its international recognition: 8 Michelin stars, 19 Repsol soles earned by names such as Pepe Solla, Xosé Cannas, Yayo Daporta, Beatriz Sotelo, Javier Olleros - This is a silent revolution through gastronomy, between tradition and modernity, in a land full of contrasts.
精緻美食的視覺享受,讓你全身舒暢、口水直流…。   身負家鄉美食改造的重責,一點滋味不能多也不能少。   2003年,九位年輕的廚師用他們高超的烹飪技巧以及專業知識改變了家鄉─加利西亞的美食。烹飪革命在西班牙其他地區風靡數年,但加利西亞聞名的一直都只是家鄉傳統美食,而沒有任何創新。   隨著新一代生產者以及農夫出現,他們對食物有了不一樣的見解,雖然使用的是新的機具,但他們仍舊依附大自然,崇尚天然。現在,這一群廚師新一代的廚師要為加利西亞美食做出更多新滋味,也在短時間內打響加利西亞的國際知名度。
