Plot Summary:Edd Byrnes tries to get an ethnic-music-studies grant to buy instruments for his rock and roll group, the Wigglers. College-finance-committee members Chris Noel, Gail Gilmore, Mikki Jameson and Brenda Benet uncover the scam and tear up the check, but the Wigglers play a Long Beach, California custom-car show in drag and win first prize. The Supremes do \"Come to the Beach Ball with Me\" and \"Surfer Boy;\" the Four Seasons sing their 1964 hit \"Dawn;\" the Hondells sing Brian Wilson's \"My Buddy Seat;\" the Righteous Brothers do \"Baby What You Want Me to Do;\" and the Walker Brothers cut loose with \"Doin' the Jerk.\" Gary Kurtz of \"Star Wars\" fame was the assistant director.