

主演:尼克‧曼库索 米密·罗杰斯 理查德·马苏尔 

导演:Rovert Michael Lewis / 





Plot Summary:In Rome an American tourist is framed for murder. He turns to the Embassy for help. The person who was killed is a wanted man; he and a partner stole some classified information. The man called someone at the Embassy whom he knew. Evidently he wanted to come in and give back the information but his partner killed him and framed the tourist. The Embassy guy tells his boss, they can recover the information, which would be a huge victory for them. At the same time, his girlfriend, also an Embassy officer, has to deal with a new arrival who seems intent on showing her up and even making a play for her man. And another Embassy guy tries to help an Italian who migrated to the US years find his old home.
在德克萨斯州开印刷厂的泰德一家三口到罗马度假旅游,无意中卷进了一起间谍凶杀案,美国大使馆大使助理哈里与意大利警方联手调查此案,并与苏联特工进行了较量,最终夺回了藏有国家军事机密的芯片,影片中也穿插了大使馆处理其他事务的故事。   上海电影译制片厂译制   主要配音演员:刘广宁、 杨晓、 沈晓谦、 程晓桦 、狄菲菲 、 翁振新、 曹雷 、童自荣   丁建华 、王建新 、戴学庐 等。
