



Plot Summary:Hidden in a secluded destination halfway around the world is a lush tropical paradise where the world's rich and powerful come to indulge in their most private passions. This romantic hideaway becomes a suspense-filled setting as Eve Sinclair (Barbara Alyn Woods), the sexy and savvy owner of Eden, is caught in a power struggle with members of her trusted inner circle for control of the exclusive resort. Not knowing whom to trust, Eve must find a way to save Eden, while at the same time, providing the best of everything to a demanding clientele that wants it all, and are willing to pay for it. Eden has it all - temptation, seduction, deception, and that's just the beginning..
隐藏在世界上一个僻静的目的地中,是一个郁郁葱葱的热带天堂,世界上有钱有势的人沉迷于他们最私密的激情中。 伊甸园的性感和机灵的主人伊芙·辛克莱、芭芭拉·艾伦·伍兹与她信任的内心圈子成员陷入权力斗争,以控制这个独家度假胜地,这个浪漫的度假胜地变成了一个悬念。 夏娃不知道该信任谁,必须找到一种方法来挽救伊甸园,与此同时,向希望并愿意为此付出代价的苛刻客户提供最好的一切。 伊甸园拥有一切-诱惑,诱惑,欺骗,而这仅仅是开始。
