Plot Summary:Viktor Kahdem is a man who has almost given up on life, sentenced to a low-security prison farm, a completely non-threatening environment where it is still felt that some individuals can be reformed. At Won Wron, Case Worker Matt Perry has established a unique program to rehabilitate broken men through giving them the responsibility for the rehabilitation of injured raptors - beautiful, fearsome proud eagles, falcons and owls. Against all odds, Matt takes on Viktor as his number one test case, introducing him to Yasmine, the majestic wedge tailed eagle with a 2 metre wingspan. If these two can tame each other, anything is possible.
关键词:电影无法愈合疗愈的电影电影治愈无法愈合RMVB下载尤Kahdem是一个男人谁几乎已经放弃了生命,判处低设防监狱农场,完全不具威胁性的环境,但仍然觉得有些人是可以改造的。在韩元WRON,办案员马特·佩里已经建立了一个独特的方案,通过让他们受伤的猛禽康复有责任修复破碎的男人 - 美丽的,可怕的骄傲鹰,隼和猫头鹰。排除万难,马特发生在尤他的头号测试案例,介绍他到Yasmine的,雄伟的楔尾鹰与一个2米的臂展。如果这两个可以驯服对方,一切皆有可能。