Plot Summary:When her brother Bobby returns from World War II mentally damaged, Anna has to deal with her parents who don't aknowledge her brother's existence, who is now brought to a mental hospital. After his sudden death Anna begins to question her own sanity. Her gangster boyfriend Billy's action pushes her further, she's now convinced the only way she can be "cured" is to have a lobotomy.
关键词:一杆全部进洞视频原理故事发生在50年代,Michelle Williams(断臂山),以出色的演技饰演了一名患有精神疾病的小姑娘Anna。她的混混男友Billy (Meat Loaf Aday饰演)当着她的面杀了人,这又加重了她的病情,使她濒临崩溃的边缘。大家觉得唯有给她做前脑叶白质切除手术——当时尚属尖端医术——才是治疗她病情的唯一的希望。 于是Billy找来一位朝鲜战场上归来的医生Tom为她实施手术,没想到Tom却极力劝阻......Anna与其情愫暗生,两个男人决定着她的命运,Anna将何去何从... ...