Behind the Veil(1916)



导演:卢修斯·亨德森 / 编剧:Elizabeth R. Carpenter

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Plot Summary:Diana and Harriet Terrace bear the remarkable physical resemblance that usually marks twins, but their natures differ. Diana is self-willed and turbulent. Harriet is considerate and reserved. Wilbur Steele, a wealthy young author, blind from overwork, and anxious for quiet and seclusion, is to board with Mrs. Terrace. On the day of Wilbur's arrival, Diana catches a glimpse of him as she is on her way to boarding school. Harriet frankly welcomes Wilbur, who takes her hand says, \"Although I cannot see you, to hear your voice is a pleasure.\" Harriet helps Wilbur with a book he is writing, which is to be called \"Behind the Veil.\" Diana, during a tennis game, scrapes an acquaintance with Perry Jarvis, a lively young college chap, and goes motoring with him. Wilbur announces to Harriet that the doctor has given hope that an operation on his eyes may prove successful. He then tells her of his love for her, which the girl reciprocates. The mother notes the progress of their love affair, and is overjoyed at Harriet's prospect of happiness. Some months later, Mrs. Terrace suffers from an attack of appendicitis, and is taken to the nearest city for an operation. As Harriet is starting with her mother for the railroad station, the rural postman sees her and hands her a letter from Wilbur, in which he tells her that he is about to undergo the operation on his eyes and hopes that she will be the one he will see first of all. At the boarding school, Diana defies the principal, and is ordered to leave for her home. Meanwhile, Wilbur has had his eyesight restored, and returns during the absence of Mrs. Terrace and Harriet. Diana returns from boarding school on the same day. Wilbur mistakes her for her twin sister, and Diana plays the deception to the limit. A country curate alights from a buggy and makes a request for a glass of water, and Diana suggests to Wilbur that they surprise her mother by getting married. Wilbur assents, and the curate makes them man and wife. In order to keep up the deception, Diana writes to her mother, still in the hospital, telling her that when Wilbur mistook her for Harriet, some evil genius prompted her to keep up the deception, and that she has married him, and the only thing to do now, is to let him think that she is Harriet. Mrs. Terrace, on reading the letter, tries to conceal it, but Harriet gets possession of it, and is brokenhearted. Five years pass without the deception being discovered. Diana neglects her little boy, David, so that the care of the child falls largely to her sister. Wilbur has lost interest in his work. He says, \"While blind, Harriet was my inspiration, since my marriage to her, I have experienced a blindness of soul.\" Diana meets her former college friend, Perry, who makes ardent love to her, and she leaves home, after writing a note stating that she is going away with Perry, adding that Harriet will look out for the boy. Mrs. Terrace becomes ill and on her deathbed, hands Wilbur a letter, telling him to read it after she is gone. In this letter, Mrs. Terrace reveals to Wilbur that during his blindness he had loved Harriet, but that Diana had deceived him and she urges Wilbur to bear his sorrow courageously. Wilbur endeavors to persuade Harriet that, rightfully she ought to be his wife, but the girl tells him that society is merciless, and that she can no longer remain under his roof to care for his boy. With heavy heart she seeks the solitude of her desolate home. We now see Diana in a quaint Spanish café, where she engages in a desperate flirtation with a young Spaniard, who has been dancing with a pretty brunette. The Spanish girl notes the young Spaniard's attentions to Diana, and in a frenzy of hate and jealousy stabs her to death. Wilbur is shocked on hearing the news of Diana's death, but the barrier that separated him from Harriet is now rolled away. He seeks Harriet and assures her that David needs her, but that he needs her even more than the boy.
