转基因种子的威胁Percy Schmeiser - David versus Monsanto(2009)



导演:Bertram Verhaag / 





Plot Summary:"We knew by checking license plates that Monsanto or people hired by Monsanto, were watching us constantly", says Percy Schmeiser. When the court ruled in Monsanto's favour, Percy counter-sued Monsanto for environmental pollution, seed destruction and slander. With the crop he had worked on for 50 years officially 'owned' by Monsanto, Percy launched a nationwide campaign defending farmer's rights. Monsanto did everything they could to stand in his way. "Monsanto is big", came a voice down a telephone one night, "you can't win. We will get you. You will pay". Percy doesn't use Monsanto's popular herbicide 'Roundup'. "People have to ask themselves what are they really eating?" Percy asks of an outraged auditorium, "Monsanto said agent orange was safe, are we now to believe them when they say that 'Roundup' is safe?" Percy had no use for the canola seed Monsanto developed to resist 'Roundup'. Yet the court ruled that even if Monsanto's seed is in a crop by cross-pollination, they own the...
