Plot Summary:A mother rabbit and her three kits are playing in a field. A little girl comes across one of the kits and steals it, dressing it up and playing with it as if it were a living doll. While the girl is distracted, the three other rabbits come to the rescue.
一个小女孩在菜园里发现了一只兔子--它逃离了母兔,于是她把它当成了一只活娃娃.还起名叫“卡佳”当自己的女儿,并给它包上了尿布,耳朵上都系着蝴蝶结,让它开始吃粥和糖果。 小兔子没有吃糖果,一直想滚出去的尿布和逃跑。小女孩当它生病了就给它去买药。可是这时,兔子们知道小兔子在哪儿,就决定营救它,借助其他兔孩子的帮助,把它带回了田野。