Plot Summary:After dreaming of a beautiful girl for over 8 years, Budapest-based but born in Rajasthan, Karan, finally gets to meet her in the shape and form of Varsha, who happens to be the foster daughter of his lawyer, Sahid. Karan is confident that Sahid will convince Varsha to marry him - little knowing that Varsha will not only refuse to marry but she also hates men, and had a parallel New York-based lifestyle as Payal Mehra.
在匈牙利生活的Karan在8年里做着同样的梦,梦中的女孩让他神不守舍,他把她的身影都变成了画。直到有一天在机场遇到了Palya,正是梦中人。他对她紧追不舍,但是她犹豫不决。她终于讲述了她过去的一段不幸遭遇,她曾经被一个男人玩弄后抛弃,致使她对爱情不再向往,并决定终身不婚。但是她最后终于被Karan打动,并一起回到了印度,准备结婚。 Karan有一个哥哥,对过去离开他的女友Varsha念念不忘,多年来都借酒消愁。终于在Karan和Palya订婚这天见到了Palya的面容,原来。。。