月光光心慌慌之大屠杀The Fear: Resurrection(1999)

又名:万圣节之夜-猛鬼客房 / 血腥假期 (港)


主演:Gordon Currie Stacy Grant Phillip Rhys MYC Agnew Emmanuelle Vaugier 

导演:Chris Angel / 编剧:Kevin Richards





Plot Summary:It's death-by-fear (aka scared-to-death) in this deceptively psychological thriller. The hero, Mike brings his friends to his grandparents' house for a Halloween party wherein they will all dress up as their innermost fears. Mike's fear is that he's inherited a homicidal legacy from his father. Mike's father was a serial killer who murdered his mother right in front of him when Mike was five before committing suicide. Mike's fear manifests itself in his inability to commit to his girlfriend of 4 1/2 years, Peg for fear that he will kill her too. Everything gets rolling when an ancient Indian totem wooden figure named Morty comes to life and starts killing off Mike's friends by making their worst fears come true. The ultimate confrontation comes when Mike has to face his greatest fear - his own father.
《奪命勾魂》大製片家 又一部驚慄恐怖傑作   麥克小時候目睹父親弒母的畫面,從此就擔心自己也會遺傳父親殘忍的性格,於是在萬聖節這天,聽從印第安好友克羅的建議,召集一班的好友一起舉行驅魔儀式,但是麥克父親的邪靈卻悄悄的從墓地爬起,將他的好友一個一個殺死,到底麥克要怎麼做,才能打敗自己的恐懼,克服父親的控制呢?
