西部骑士Cavalier of the West(1931)



导演:John P. McCarthy / 





Plot Summary:Captain John Allister of the U.S. Cavalry catches deputy sheriff "Red'Greeley and four henchmen in the act of attacking White Feather and two other Indians.The men accuse the Indians of stealing their horses but Allister, using a ruse, proves this false. He knows the four men were planning on stealing the gold the Indians were taking to El Rio. Allister arrests the men, charges them with theft and the murder of Indians a week before, and turns then over to Sheriff Bill Ryan. Greeley gets word to gang-leader Lee Burgess, foreman of the Fernandez ranch that his men have been arrested. Ryan and Allister ride to the ranch to look over some horses for Army purchase, where the open admiration of Dolores Fernandez for Allister triggers a jealous reaction in Burgess. Back at the jail, the four prisoners escape and Greeley is suspected of complicity in their escape. Fearing an Indian uprising, Allister declares martial law and threatens the firing squad for anyone interfering with the ...
