综合美国恐怖:地狱的大门All American Horror: Gateways to Hell(2013)


主演:Stephen Chang 

导演:William Burke / 





Plot Summary:Various locations on the surface of the earth have acquired a legendary reputation for being entrances to the underworld. In Ashe County, North Carolina residents have reported all manner of ghostly phenomena including apparitions of women, sounds of crying babies and phantom hitchhikers, one of which may have been none other than Lucifer himself. When Roxanne Wentworth purchased a beautiful set of iron gates from a local cemetery, she unknowingly turned her property into a gateway to the beyond. Paranormal events are now chronicled on a nightly basis. In Wilmington, North Carolina, Gallows Hill (which was once the city's hanging ground) is now a commercial office. Though the gallows are long gone, the unclaimed bodies of countless poor souls who hit the end of a rope are still buried in mass graves. These restless spirits continue to walk the grounds, and hallways of the property. The spirits of those executed are angry and to this day nobody has successfully spent a night alone in ...
地球表面上的各个地方都因进入黑社会而获得了传奇的名声。在阿什县,北卡罗莱纳州的居民已经报告了各种各样的鬼现象,包括妇女的幻影,哭泣的婴儿和幻想搭车的声音,其中之一可能是路西法本人之一。当罗克珊娜·温特沃斯(Roxanne Wentworth)从当地的一座墓地购买了一套美丽的铁门时,她不知不觉地把她的财产变成了通向远方的门户。超现实的事件现在记录在夜间的基础上。在北卡罗莱纳州的威明顿,加洛斯山(曾经是城市的悬挂地)现在是一个商业办公室。尽管绞刑架早已不复存在,但是无数穷困的灵魂仍然被埋在万人坑中。这些不安分的精神继续走在财产的走廊和走廊上。被执行者的精神很生气,直到今天,没有人单独成功地度过了一个晚上。
