蛋白质密码Der Proteom-Code – Dem Geheimnis des Lebens auf der Spur(2018)

又名:The Proteom - Code / The Proteom Code: Journey to the Cell's Core / Der Proteom Code - Dem Geheimnis des Lebens auf der Spur(德) / Nom de code : Protéome(法) / Voyage au coeur de nos cellules - Nom de code : Protéome(法)


主演:Thomas Sinclair Spencer 

导演:Michael Trabitzsch / 





Plot Summary:Detailed understanding of human proteins, the proteom, offers a promising new approach to the treatment of disease, notably cancer. A who's who of researchers working in the field of proteomics around the world survey the progress, processes and successes in treating patients without delving into the complexities of biochemistry or the details of cell structure or anatomy. In view of the huge number of human proteins and the diversity from person to person proteomics generates an incredible amount for data. Enter the field of bioinformatics with super computers and computer models that offers the prospect of tailoring unique treatments for each individual.
蛋白质组构成了生命的基本单位,目前全球的科学家都在致力于解密蛋白质密码。如果我们能够解密,或许永生将不再是遥不可及的梦想。这部纪录片展示了一次解码蛋白质的尝试,以及尝试遇到的挑战和问题。© 优酷   Narrator:Thomas Sinclair Spencer   Producers: Dieter Pochlatko, Jakob Pocchlatko, Kama Bonvin   Produced by Prounen Film, epo-film, CINEMATOGRAFICA Rome
