海岸巡警 第三季Sea Patrol(2009)


主演:丽萨·麦坤 萨基亚·伯梅斯特 Ian Stenlake 约翰·巴彻勒 杰里米·林赛·泰勒 Kristian Schmid 大卫·莱昂斯 尼古拉·尼克拉斐 Kirsty Lee Allan 

导演:Ian Barry / 

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海岸巡警 第三季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:E.T. proposes to Nikki whilst on shore leave and then leaves to go diving with the Robsen Dive Boat at Red Reef. E.T. doesn't make it back on time when the Hammersley has been called back into service early. The crew receive an alert for a missing dive boat with eight personnel on board. A search of a near island reveals that all divers in the water are dead, amongst them E.T. who is found by Nikki. At the same time the crew must carry on looking for a ghost ship which seems hell bent on killing anyone in their path whilst still mourning for their lost crew mate.
