Plot Summary:Reeling from the loss of their future son Chris, an overprotective Piper and an obsessed Leo are forced by Phoebe and Paige to attend a Hindu wedding, where they inadvertently receive the powers of the Hindu's Ultimate Lovers, Shakti, the Goddess of Creation and her lover, Shiva, the God of Destruction. Phoebe and Paige must keep them from consummating their obvious new passion or according to Hindu dogma and legend, the world will be destroyed if they love one another again. Meanwhile, Barbas hatches a plot to distract Piper and Leo, well aware that Leo is hunting him and enlists a hoard of lesser demons to kidnap baby Chris. Paige finds that the remaining staff at Magic School is packing up in preparation for shutting down, and resolves to take action for it to remain open. Phoebe meets her ghost writer at the Bay Mirror and discovers that Leslie is a guy. Back at the manor, Inspector Sheridan and a reluctant Darryl Morris confront Leo and Paige in the nursery and Leo blasts her ...