Plot Summary:It is Mo-rae and Sang-in's one-year wedding anniversary. Mo-rae starts the day by preparing a special breakfast, but her practical husband begins his day by watering the withering plants. After an uneventful day at her parasol shop, Mo-rae visits a ceramic exhibit where she meets a handsome young man. In a cascade of events, the two end up hiding together in a narrow space. Meanwhile Sang-in, deciding to follow his passion for cooking, quits his money market job to start a restaurant. Although Sang-in loves to cook, the man with the true culinary gift is Du-re, a 23 year-old Korean-Frenchman. Sang-in invites Du-re to live with him and his wife in order to learn to cook like a culinary genius; however, he doesn't know that Du-re is the man who seduced his wife on their anniversary. What's worse, Du-re's feelings for Mo-rae aren't fading. In this fashion, a love triangle unfolds. Mo-rae must decide whether to stay with her steadfast husband and childhood friend or start anew with the spontaneous and imaginative stranger.
关键词:电影厨房下载中文版本片为韩国原创作品,与吉本芭娜娜的同名小说并无关系。 尚仁(金泰宇饰)和沫莱(申敏儿饰)结婚一周年的纪念日前夕,为了庆祝这个特殊的日子,沫莱特意到美术馆给丈夫挑选礼物,而在枝那里她邂逅了一名陌生的男子,并与其发生了性关系。充满内疚心情的沫莱回到家后,终于忍不住和尚仁坦 诚了一切,并得到了后者的体谅。尚仁也有惊人的举动:辞去了薪水丰厚的证券公司经理一职,向妻子告白了一生的愿望——开一家受欢迎的料理店。沫莱欣然支持他,万万料不到的是前来帮尚仁打理生意的正是与她发生了关系的青年多瑞(朱智勋饰)!从法国回来的多瑞有着出色的料理天分,丈夫有他的帮助是如虎添翼,可从多瑞住进他们家的那天开始,危险的三角关系也就拉开了序幕......