

主演:羽贺圣 伊藤静 土田大 田中嘉治郎 佐久间红美 二木静美 井之上隆志 北出真也 冈田三利 甲斐田裕子 中田让治 

导演:滨崎博嗣 / 鹤冈耕次郎 / 山本沙代 / 平尾隆之 / 太田雅彦 / 松尾衡 / 小泽一浩 / 冈岛国敏 / 松村康弘 / 岛崎奈奈子 / 远藤卓司 / 乡敏治 / 编剧:高木登 Noboru Takagi/吉田伸 Shin Yoshida/小中千昭 Chiaki Konaka/古怒田健志 Kenji Konuta


日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Texhnolyze (ep1-4)
2019-05-12 Texhnolyze-Dual Audio-480p
2019-05-11 机魂末世录



Plot Summary:In a man-made underground society, descendants of a banished generation vie for control of the crumbling city of Lux. Ichise, an orphan turned prize fighter, loses a leg and an arm to satisfy an enraged fight promoter. On the brink of death he is taken in by a young woman doctor and used as a guinea pig for the next evolution of Texhnolyze. With his new limbs, Ichise is taken under the wing of Oonishi, a powerful leader of Organ, an organization with some hold on Lux. As Ichise is drawn deeper into a war for territorial control of the city, he learns of his possible future from the young girl prophet Ran, who guides him from the shadows in his darkest times. With the explosion of the warfare, Ichise must uncover the truth about Lux and fight for his survival as he realizes his destiny.
故事描述的未来既残酷又美丽...。绝望跟暴力蔓延着在这被世人所遗忘的街道˙流9洲。一名为了生存参加生死拳击赛而失去生命的少年˙栎士,还有可以预看未来之少女˙兰。加上欧尔卡诺之领袖˙大西京吴,以及对这片土地有着深藏于心的雄心壮志之男子˙吉井,组成了【机魂末世录】的故事。   欧尔卡诺以武力统治着流9洲。劳工阶级的武装集团,由其精神领袖木保所率领的救民--一群倡导自由的年轻人所组成的集团˙兰卡。最后是决定远离这个街道,而独自建构生活圈的加贝。就是这样的零星琐碎的集团斗争,巧妙地维持这街道的平衡点,这对街道的和平来说是必要的。还有以生化科技义肢接在人类身上之稀少物质,以及被遗忘的城市之唯一生存意义˙拉菲亚花。象征这街道的欧贝里斯克纪念碑,静静地眺望着这街道喧哗。绝望之狂想曲正在这被世人遗忘的城市演奏着......
