当下或明日Jetzt oder morgen(2020)

又名:Running on Empty



导演:Lisa Weber / 





Plot Summary:Claudia was 15 when she had her son. The two now live in a public housing apartment together with her brother and their mother in Vienna. None of them has a job, but what they lack the most is perspective. Over the course of three years, director Lisa Weber gently uncovers what goes on in this family when nothing ever really seems to happen. We are invited to take part and look beyond the clichés of reality TV to discover real people who cause us to laugh, feel shocked or even deeply moved.
Lisa Weber’s portrait of Claudia, who had a son when she was 15 and now lives together with him, her mother and her brother in Vienna, is an affectionate and gentle film about the passing of time and about what happens when seemingly nothing is happening.
