Plot Summary:An anthology of three stories titled Headless Soul, Hit & Run and Midnight Dinner, each dealing with paranormal activities that begin at the stroke of midnight. "Headless Soul" is a murder mystery involving a decapitated victim; police officer Fung (Jerry Lamb) has been instructed to be on night-watch at the murder scene and assigned to locate the victim's missing head. "Hit & Run" involves a reckless driving incident caused by Yan (Elvis Tsui) and his wife, Mei (Liz Kong). They accidentally ran over a man (Wing-Chung Leung), but are unable to locate his body after the wreck. Then, the man mysteriously shows up a day later, moving in the apartment building across from Yan and Mei. Lastly, "Midnight Dinner" is a story about Shing (Anthony Wong Chau-Sang), who had just attended the funeral service for his late mother (Lan Law). Seven days later, the mother's ghost returns to visit Shing and his dysfunctional family.