你的罗密欧Jou Romeo(2016)


主演:Ruan Wessels Diaan Lawrenson Dirk Stoltz Elani Dekker Christopher Van Der Westhuizen Sarahann Doherty Pierre Breytenbach Steinman Goosen Ruan Blum Gracelle Jooste Tayla Tolmay Row-Lean Zack Mtombeni Carmin Coetzer Johnny Potsanyane 

导演:Andre Velts / 编剧:Danie Bester/Tina Kruger





Plot Summary:At a school obsessed with sport, Yvette (Elani Dekker), Tyler (Christoher van der Westhuizen) and their drama brigade are a tiny arty minority with one goal in mind for their matric year: To perform Romeo and Juliet. However, the principal, Mister Kirby Potgieter, decides to cut the arts and culture budget for upgrades to the cricket clubhouse. Desperate to sell tickets in order to save the show, Yvette and Tyler come up with a plan. They convince the school's sport hero and heartthrob, Marko Marais (Ruan Wessels), to play the role of Romeo in Tyler's place. Their plan works and the tickets sell like hot cakes. Marko is unexpectedly attracted to the pale drama geek, Yvette. She also starts seeing Marko in a different light and begins to think that there could be more to him than the image of a 'superficial', muscular jock with a great smile. However, a lie threatens to tear them apart and disrupt the performance too. To get university admission, Marko has to pull out all the stops on ...
当《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的预算被削减时,剧中的极客伊薇特和泰勒不得不考虑一个拯救他们作品的计划。然而,这一计划给该剧的新英雄Marko Marais带来了意想不到的后果。
