他们不是天使Le bataillon du ciel(1947)

又名:They Are Not Angels


主演:皮埃尔·布朗夏 瑞奈·列费夫尔 雅尼娜·克里斯潘 

导演:Alexander Esway / 编剧:Joseph Kessel





Plot Summary:On the eve of the landing of June 6, 1944, a French parachute battalion of the Special Air Service was dropped on Brittany to help the Resistance contain the enemy forces en route to Normandy. This film is in 2 periods: 1st period: They are not angels This part tells the chronicle of a training camp in England, a SAS parachute battalion of Free France during the Second World War. 2nd period: Terre de France. Once formed, the SAS parachute battalion parachuted into Brittany and sabotaged the German installations with the help of the Breton guerrillas. This is the fictionalized story of Colonel Pierre-Louis Bourgoin, Captain Pierre Marienne and the 2nd SAS Parachute Fighter Regiment.
第一部:上校Rouvier,一个在突尼斯战斗中失去了手臂的老战士,现在他必须训练自油的法国伞兵团在英国的部队。1944年春,在第二次世界战争的决定性时刻。经过一系列强化训练,第一波士兵空降到布列塔尼,准备和巴顿将军的军队的会合...   第二部:法国地界。 一只英国伞兵部队,空降在法国一个渔村在当地的反抗战士配合下,破坏德军的重要军事设施,但是伞兵指挥所在一次德军偷袭之中全军覆没。
