
又名:黄昏流星群 〜人生折り返し、恋をした〜 / Twilight meteor shower

主演:佐佐木藏之介 中山美穗 石川恋 藤井流星 八木亚希子 黑木瞳 小野武彦 本仮屋唯佳 

导演:平野真 / 林彻 / 



日期 资源名称
2021-09-01 【720p高清中文字幕】黄昏流星群迅雷下载.2018.4.34gb.torrent



Plot Summary:Kanji Takizawa works at a bank. He has worked his way up to become a branch manager. Kanji Takizawa is married to Mariko and they have a daughter. Recently, he hardly speaks to his wife and daughter. One day, he is demoted at work. This causes Kanji to reflect on his life and he has doubts about the choices he has made. Around this time, he sees a poster of a snow covered mountain that attracts his attention. He lies to his family that he will go on a business trip. Instead, he travels to Switzerland alone. He takes a gondola to Matterhorn alone. There, he meets Shiori Meguro who has also traveled alone. Meanwhile, Mariko falls in love with her daughter's fiance.
“无法抗争的命运的恋爱…三人编织出立于人生歧路的男女间令人感伤的爱情故事——”   主人公瀧沢完治在银行工作,工作认真努力。和妻子瀧沢真璃子最近对话变少,和女儿也有所疏远,但他也接受了如此平稳的家庭生活。但某日被毫无道理地降职左迁,使他对自己的工作产生了极大的困惑。出现在他面前的是一张雪山的海报。他以出差为名,一个人去了瑞士。在瑞士的风雪中,他看到了一位日本女性——目黒栞,知性、有品位的她也是一人前来旅行。大雪裹山,月照山头的夜晚,两人是旁人未曾想的投机…   另一方面,真璃子怀疑丈夫出轨却又未问出口,这样的她,竟对女儿的未婚夫陷入了恋爱…
