永远不再Para Sempre Nunca Mais(2014)

又名:Forever Nevermore


主演:Larissa Vereza Emiliano Ruschel Bruno Dubeux Marcio Vito 

导演:Emerson Muzeli / 





Plot Summary:A dramatic novel that presents the submission in a relationship between an Italian settler and a Brazilian woman in 1932. Luiza is a generation of women who were sent to convents to be educated, many of the high cost of permanency option ran out and became nuns ... Luiza was about to be forced to make this decision when it was delivered to marry with Domingos, who she would learn to live and love. For two years she suffer mistreatment and abuse from her husband. Living in a place away virtually inaccessible, she could not call for help. Her solitude was her most frequent company until they receive a visit from an official warning about the Constitutional Revolution, saying the Paulists approached that region to combat invading Minas Gerais, causing a reversal of their.
爱与复仇.   1932年一位意大利定居者和一位巴西妇女之间的关系中的一部戏剧小说。路易莎是被送到修道院接受教育的一代女性,许多高成本的永久性选择耗尽,成为修女。。。路易莎即将被迫做出这一决定时,她决定与多明戈结婚,多明戈将学会生活和爱情。两年来,她遭受丈夫的虐待和虐待。她住在一个几乎人迹罕至的地方,无法呼救。她的孤独是她最频繁的陪伴,直到他们收到关于宪法革命的官方警告,说保利主义者接近该地区打击入侵的米纳斯吉拉斯,导致他们的政治立场发生逆转.
