Plot Summary:Camilo disrupts Alicia's return trip and abducts Irene. As the school evacuates under threat of "flu," the teens head out to rescue Irene but find soldiers blocking all avenues away. Unable to leave or communicate with the outside world, the staff establishes a third floor infirmary to house those infected. Evelyn, feeling spurned by Lucas, takes up with Anton, who, with a nosebleed, soon enters the infirmary. Believing it's just flu, Evelyn fakes infection to be with Anton and make Lucas jealous. Fermin, now a viral bomb, returns to help find the medicine stockpile as Ivan exhibits a medication side effect. Lucia recruits a helper. Elsa labels Vicky a liar to maintain order. Alicia and Rebeca take Hugo (handcuffed) to the tunnels to find the anti-viral stockpile. Marcos makes a bold escape attempt.