Plot Summary:Drew Barrymore's sixth time hosting. Sketches include: A Message From the President of the United States, Drew Barrymore Monologue, Gilly, Celebrity Ghost Stories (featuring Justin Long), University of Westfield, La Rivista Della Televisione con Vinny Vedecci, Weekend Update with Seth Meyers, Weekend Update: James Carville on the Nobel Peace Prize, Weekend Update: Scrooge McDuck, Weekend Update: Maya Angelou, Tampax to the Max Tournament of Champions 1991, Cooking Al Fresco, Larry King Live, An SNL Digital Short: Brenda and Shaun, Debbie Turner Book Signing. Regina Spektor performs "Eet" and "The Calculation".
第35季第3期 奥巴马刚刚获得了诺贝尔和平奖,同时又中了彩票,他准备将这些钱捐给慈善组织....本期主持为Drew Barrymore,出身演员世家的Drew的奶奶爷爷、各个亲戚都曾在演艺舞台上大展拳脚,那些古老的视频就可以作证.....Gilly是班上最闹腾的一个学生,这天又来了一个意大利的交换生Gigli,两人又要将课堂和同学闹得鸡犬不宁....在意大利由Vinny Vedecci主持的节目上,Drew来到了现场.... 本期音乐嘉宾Regina Spektor。