医龙医龍~Team Medical Dragon~(2006)

又名:Iryû: Team Medical Dragon

主演:坂口宪二 稻森泉 小池彻平 北村一辉 阿部隆史 水川麻美 池田铁洋 佐佐木藏之介 夏木真理 岸部一德 

导演:久保田哲史 / 水田成英 / 编剧:林宏司 KOUZI HAYASHI/永井明 Akira Nagai/乃木坂太郎 Tarô Nogizaka



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 [NOP] Iryu - Team Medical Dragon - Season 1 [1-11
日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 醫龍第一至三季


日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 医龍 1


Plot Summary:Ryutaro Asada, a renegade but brilliant surgeon, was being framed for a misdiagnosis and let go by the North Japanese Hospital. He went into exile and lived in a seaside shack when he was visited by Akira Kato, assistant professor of the Faculty of Cardiac Surgery at Meishin University Medical Hospital. Despite being a female doctor, Akira managed to become an assistant professor. She was ambitious and set her goal to be promoted to full professor by succeeding in a surgery using the Batista technique - an extremely difficult type of heart surgery - and to write a paper on it. A year ago, Akira witnessed Ryutaro's skills when he was an NGO doctor and was impressed enough to seek his assistance in the Batista technique. This drama exposed the difficulties encountered in the rigid Japanese medical professions in treating patients whereby decisions made were based more on protecting the hospitals than the patients.
为了完成世界第一高难度手术Batista的论文,明真大学的加藤晶(稲森いずみ饰)找到了曾领导过“医龙”(即世界最高水平救命医疗队)的朝田龍太郎(坂口憲二饰)帮忙。虽然在技术上是超一流的天才外科医生,朝田却因过于强烈的自我风格而遭到某些人的厌恶,最后所有的医院都将其拒之门外。   来到明真后,朝田开始着手组建一支team完成手术,但他发现这里的医生似乎都是些碌碌之辈,不关心病人的死活,任何决策都以降低医院死亡率为出发点,就连直属上司野口教授(岸部一徳饰)也仅仅是将病人当作辅助自己登上院长之位的棋子。还由于对参与Batista这样高难度的手术所要承担的风险及手术成功带来的利益,每个人都心知肚明,惊涛骇浪般的明争暗斗一触即发。   谁也没有想到的是,朝田的理想team人选竟锁定在一群“边缘人”上,面对这么一支问题百出的队伍,所有的人都暗捏一把汗。
