Plot Summary:Since the late 1990s, more people have died in war-torn Congo than in any conflict since World War II. In addition to the dead, hundreds of thousands of woman and girls have been raped. Rape, explains a British colonel, is a weapon of war, part of a destabilization covering the theft of valuable minerals. Rape victims are traumatized, injured, abandoned by husbands, pregnant, and ravaged by disease. Lisa Jackson, herself a sexual-assault victim, travels into the bush to interview soldiers who rape seemingly routinely; she asks them why. In Bakuva (east Congo), we meet women and children, a doctor, a policewoman, and a government minister. They comment. There is no end in sight.
自上世纪90年代后期以来,在刚果战乱中死去的人们比二战以来任何一次武装冲突中死亡的人数还要多。除了死亡,成千上万的妇女和女孩被强暴。一个英国陆军上校解释说,强暴被当作一种战争中的武器来使用。遭遇强暴的受害者精神上和肉体上受到极大的伤害,被丈夫抛弃,不能生育,并被疾病长期困扰。 丽莎·杰克逊,一个性骚扰的受害者,只身前往一个小镇去采访多次强暴妇女的士兵们。她问他们,为什么要这样做。在Bakuva(刚果东部),我们遇到了狠很多妇女和儿童,一个医生,一名女性警察和一个政府官员。他们对此发表了自己的看法。目前,这种暴行似乎没有止境。