Plot Summary:The extravagantly rich Grace wants to revive a 20-year old love affair. Mark travels to Ireland, together with pushy Ronnie and pretends to be his deceased brother Michel. Mark still wants to steal his money and lover, posthumously take revenge on his brother who he hates so much.
Mark 突然收到兄弟Michael二十年前旧情人Grace的来信,Grace的丈夫辞世,继承了丰厚的财产, 并想要与Michael重叙旧情。然而Michael已经因为车祸离世,并且出车祸时,车上还载着Mark的妻子。 在朋友Ronnie的怂恿下,Mark决定以Michael的身份从比利时出发去爱尔兰,去拿属于Michael的钱,去睡属于Michael的女人。。。然而这并不是故事的全部