Plot Summary:Gekirangers meet the Boukengers when a precious item is stolen from the SCRTC headquarters. Meanwhile, another item in safekeeping of RinJyuDen is also stolen , and they find out that these two items can grant ultimate power when combined. Gekirangers team up with Boukengers to stop the villain from space who threatens to destroy Earth with this ultimate power...
因为保管在SCRTC的红色宝玉让强等激气连者,与真墨等冒险者碰面了。而据说如果将这宝玉与另一颗青色宝玉一同放入在南美的古代遗迹,就能得到究极之力的某种秘宝。而青色宝玉的所在地正是…临兽殿! 而潜入临兽殿,在理央与魅蕾面前现身的,竟然是冒险RED‧明石与冒险PINK‧樱!明明航向宇宙的这两人,为何在这儿?又为何想要凑齐两颗宝玉呢? 因为这两颗与宇宙拳法有关的秘宝,激气连者、冒险者、临兽殿彼此纠结着,并演出了一场WAKIWAKI的冒险大活剧!